"Start from wherever you are, and with whatever you've got" - Jim Rohn.
Building a large MLM team and a large Twitter following are two rather similar pursuits. You have to build a large group of people who find you worth following. That is how you define popularity on Twitter and how you define success in MLM, and interestingly popularity on Twitter can lead to success in MLM!
As recruiting is all about reaching more of the right kind of person, and as Twitter now boasts millions of members, it is no longer something you can put off or ignore. Twitter is incredibly popular, the growth rate is exponential, and it's here to stay.
The same principles apply to both Twitter popularity and MLM success. You have to be someone worth following. You have to be an attractive personality. You have to have good tips and advice. Be both interested and interesting, and don't just be "all about the business". Just like in normal life, always taking about your business is boring and selfish. You've got to be more than your business opportunity - just be yourself!
There are thousands and thousands of your ideal prospects on Twitter, and you can reach them all. Just follow the simple advice in this article and you'll be well on your way to regular online recruiting, with just 5 minutes 'tweeting' per day!
So How Do You Find The Right People on Twitter?
1. search.twitter.com :: Twitter have their own search engine for finding the latest 'Tweets' on whatever keyword you type in. The Twitter search engine is great if you want to see what people are saying RIGHT NOW about a particular topic. Just type in MLM or DEBT or HATE MY BOSS or HATE MY JOB, or anything related to your business, and see who wrote what in the last few seconds. This tool is excellent for finding people perfect for your business right when they are in a mood to do something about it.
2. The Followers of Big Names In Your Niche :: One of the great things about Twitter's simplicity is the ease at which you can see who is following who, and how popular someone is. This means you can find a very popular person who reaches your target market (be it Mike Dillard for your recruiting, or a "health nut" for selling your products, etc) and effectively "steal" their followers! You simply click to see who is following them (i.e. who finds them interesting) and add them one by one. You can build your own audience by cleverly finding relevant people using search.twitter.com and following their followers using this method. Success!
3. Google :: We couldn't possibly talk about searching online without mentioning Google, the King of Search. Google is very focused on indexing Twitter in its database, with Google monitoring so much of the site on a regular basis that your posts show up in the Google index often within a matter of hours. Using Google to find people on Twitter is slightly different than using search.twitter.com because Google won't just show you the most recent results. Google will show you what it thinks are the most important mentions of your keyword or phrase on the whole of Twitter. You can search just twitter.com using Google by entering in your search term like this - site:twitter.com keywords
4. Let Them Find You :: It is very important you present yourself in a way that makes others want to know more about you. Use relevant keywords in your posts to show up in the Twitter search results, but don't forget that your audience is not search robots. You need to be attractive to the people you are trying to attract. You want them to see your profile and think "This guy/gal looks interesting!"
Twitter is an excellent social networking tool, and by applying the advice in this article you can turn it into an excellent recruiting tool. Tweet Tweet!
Best Regards,
Keith Walden
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