A favorite network marketing recruiting website for many people is Facebook.
Facebook really is all about networking. You can connect with friends, both old and new and build different networks of friends based on the things you have in common with them.
Aside from using Facebook to connect with friends, which is what many people use it for, you can also use it to create groups of friends, or to join groups that are built around your love of network marketing and MLM and a common desire for success.
Facebook is easy to join and allows members to create a profile that will give friends a comprehensive snapshot of you and what you're about. One of the features of Facebook is a “news feed” that is added to each time one of your friends changes status or does something like makes a comment or adds a link to his or her profile. This allows you to keep up with what your friends are up to and it alerts them to what you're doing.
To network on Facebook with other network marketers and MLM professionals your best bet is to connect with like-minded people through Facebook groups. You are likely to find several MLM and Internet marketing groups on Facebook that appeal to you and you can join each of them if you like. This gives people a way to see and get to know you and for you to get to know other marketers.
The point of joining groups on Facebook is to interact with other group members. You can learn from them and they can learn from you. A lot of good-natured idea and information sharing goes on, which leads to every participant having more resources for success. But you need to go beyond the groups in order to really benefit from Facebook networking.
Start to make “friends” with other group members. You can do this by going through group list and inviting individual group members to be your Facebook friends. One way to accomplish this is to go down the list and simply request each person as your friend. You can choose to send them a message along with your request, which is helpful if they don't already know you. But don't send the exact same message to each person – you'll be accused of spamming by Facebook and risk losing your membership!
Once your own friend list begins to grow, you might want to separate your friends into lists so you can keep track of them. For example, you can create a family list – that's where your family will go (obviously). Then you could create a college friends list, or a church friends list or whatever, and of course, you will want to create an MLM friends list. Eventually you will be able to post a new link on your profile and it will be seen by hundreds of people within a day or two.
The beauty of it is that you have the prospect of gaining new friends each time you add a friend to your list – they all have friends that you might like to connect with as well! As you can see, networking through Facebook is easy to do, and it has the potential for growing your list of connections by leaps and bounds!
To Your Success,
Keith Walden
All Star Marketing Group
All Star Marketing Group
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